Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Well first of all, Sean isn't sending me the pictures I took on his camera so this is going to be 2 seperate posts for this trip. Also, today sucks because I rode my bike all the way to the ticketmaster booths thing only to find out it opened an hour later and that they don't even sell ticket master tickets there anymore. Its only ticketswest now. Fuck them, I need my New Found Glory ticket and now I'm going to have to pay hella to get it online.
Friday: Sean and I go snowboarding at White, drive to Oly with EJ, get chased by a police, get away, ditch beer, take off snowboard racks, continue driving to Oly.

Got to Oly, Cody wasnt there yet, he was still on his way back from Snoqualmie. Met up with Jeff, always blunted, always down.

He showed us a bit around Oly for a bit, but it got dark. Hit up the double tunnels for a quick bit.

Met up with Cody at Taylors house. Went back at his house, met his parents, got situated. Headed out for the night. We met up with Bobby and JT at a gas station, theyre down for the fun. We all drove to Grayson's house way out in the middle of nowhere with horrible reception. Sean fell asleep, everyone got drunk, Jeff and I didnt and we ate a lot of pizza.
Saturday was spent just chillin, Codys house, Bobbys house, Oly mall.
JT, Sean, Bob, Cody.

Picked the lock on Bobby's shower, JT joined in.

Somehow Bobby has managed to break 2, not one, but two Capita Stairmasters in the past like 3 months.

The night turned into a lot of Jack in the Box, graffiti, walking around Oly, Bob's house, visiting Tolo goers, and being down.

We ended up walking hella far for a party that got shut down in like 30 minutes. We went to bed at like 4:30.
Sunday, woke up. Picked up Jeff, went to White, went snowboarding, came home.

I should just post pictures. I dont like typing this shit out. More pictures to come when Sean sends me them.

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